Discover Wellness by Bob Hoffman
Discover Wellness by Bob Hoffman
Discover Wellness: How Staying Healthy Can Make You Rich is the ultimate solution to America's health care crisis. A powerful and practical guide focused on fixing the cause of America's crisis: the number of people suffering chronic lifestyle diseases. With over 50% of personal bankruptcies related to medical debt and companies such as Starbucks spending more money on health care than on coffee, America's present health care crisis is making America sick. Discover Wellness solves America's health care crisis not by claiming to cure all disease with the elusive holy grail of medical treatments but by providing common sense, time tested, proven advice for better health through better living. The simple fact is that the ultimate solution to America's health care crisis is to have more people, less sick. The only way to have more people, less sick is to have more people adopt healthier habits. It's as simple as that. Anyone seeking to reduce their risk of emotional, physical and financial bankruptcy will enrich their lives by reading this book.